What is the Project Structure?

The Project Structure module lets you make detailed selections about your act structure and numbering format. Most importantly, it is where you can choose to enable or disable the boards you would like to use for your Project. Structure and board selection can always be updated, modified, or toggled in Project Settings under Manage project...

Project Boards

Each Project Type offers unique boards specific for outlining each medium. Here is a breakdown of what you can select for each Project Type...

TV / Episodic

  1. Season Board
  2. Episode Board
  3. Character Board
  4. Scrap Board

Feature / Longform

  1. Acts Board
  2. Scene Board
  3. Character Board
  4. Scrap Board
  5. Broad Strokes

Project Structure

Project Structure allows you to control how many acts per Episode or for an entire feature project. Depending on the project type, you can also include pre and post-credit acts or teaser and tag acts.

TV / Episodic

  1. Episodic Act StructureDetermines the number of columns/rows on the Episodes Board. 
  2. Teaser / Tag OptionEnables Teaser and/or Tag within each Episode's act structure.

Feature / Longform

  1. Feature Act Structure
    Determines the number of columns/rows on the Act Board.
  2. Pre-Credit / Post-Credit Option
    Enables Pre-Credit and/or Post Credit within the Project's act structure.

Episode Numbering

Episode Numbering is only available for TV / Episodic projects. There are three options, but the latter two options will also include the Season Number as the primary number, followed by 0/00 and the Episode Number. The following examples are representative of a show in season 1.

  1. 1, 2, 3...
  2. 101, 102, 103...
  3. 1001, 1002, 1003...

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