How Do I Assign Episodes To An Event? [Video]

You can assign Episode(s) when creating a calendar Event or updating an existing calendar Event.

Assign an Episode to a New Event

  1. Go to Calendar.
  2. Double-Click on the calendar to create an event
  3. Give the Event a name and set the time.
  4. Under the Calendar dropdown, select the event that you want to assign in the Event.
  5. Click Save to add the event to the Calendar. The created event will be colored based on the assigned episode.

Assign an Event to an Existing Event

  1. Place the cursor over the event and Click or Right-click. (Double-click the event to skip Step 2)
  2. Click the Pencil icon.
  3. Under the Calendar dropdown, select the event that you want to assign in the Event.
  4. Edit the event and click Save.

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